In addition to plot and cast, a vast number of movies can impress viewers with speeches they contain. In some cases, they are as meaningful that become assigned to be analyzed in the educational process. This blog post can be useful as online help with your assignment if you face issues with finding motivational sources for your presentation or writing task. You can read the writemypapers.org review to find out more about writing help. It provides consideration of the best ten inspirational speeches from modern and classical movies.
10. “The Show Goes On” Wolf Of Wall Street (2013)
In Wolf Of Wall Street, the main hero’s speech is inspiring because it includes consideration of success, mainly financial. Presented instances of how people achieve wealth, after being poor ones, can make individuals to take a chance when an opportunity appears. His speech has since, apart from being an honorable person, it is also significant to have decent living conditions.
9. “We are special” Gridiron Gang (2006)
The speech of the coach (Dwayne Johnson) reflects that all people are special, regardless of any circumstances, like imprisonment. He inspires to think that even in cases when human is not a part of high society, he or she can achieve considerable goals and show that he or she is worth to be recognized. It is only essential to make efforts and do all actions one can to be better.
8. “Dream” The Pursuit of Happyness (2006)
It is worth saying that the entire film is quite touching since it reflects relations between father and son. In this scene, an adult man teaches his son to fight for his dream, when people around consider it impossible. The main idea of the speech: if somebody believes that you can not achieve your goals, then do not listen to such people. They are not right if they see you as a person with no power to reach your goals.
7. “Our Deepest Fear” Coach Carter (2005)
In Coach Carter, speech goes about fear to be successful, since it implies the possibility to influence other people. However, success can become an inspirational tool, which can make other people also to get past fears. Moreover, in the speech, one can see the rethinking of how it is significant to make efforts in order to “shine.”
6. “Being Perfect” Friday Night Lights (2004)
The movie includes a scene with the inspiring speech of the coach, who talks about what it means to be perfect. From his perspective, being perfect lies in the attitude towards relatives and friends, in love and truth, which a person express. His words can make an individual think over the noted points, as valuable indicators of perfection. As well, one can consider whether he or she expresses love towards surroundings, tells the truth, and have no remorse.
5. “Respect each other” Remember the Titans (2000)
Speech presented in Remember the Titans goes about friendship and respectful attitude to each other. It can make an individual think over the significance of peaceful relations since disagreements are destroying for mankind. The hero insists on being respectful despite any features of individuals like race, nationality, or point of view. From the selected scene, one can recognize that friendly relationships can be quite useful in achieving common goals, especially when it goes about teamwork.
4. “Presidents Speech” Independence Day (1996)
In this film, the president of America talks about the significance of humankind and friendship among all nations. His speech is inspiring since it goes about unification, which can be beneficial in terms of struggling with enemies and saving people. In general, it reflects the need to forget about nationality, race, gender, and other feature of identity because without focusing on them, humans can easily cooperate and protect humankind more effectively. This speech can be quite useful for consideration of international relations.
3. “Freedom” Braveheart (1995)
This scene contains the speech of William Wallace (Mel Gibson) about freedom, as an essential part of a human being. From his point of view, freedom is more significant than mere life with its routine. As well. The speech can inspire individuals to take actions for the sake of more meaningful things like love, faith, truth, or pride, instead of making nutrition and sleep crucial.
2. “Get Busy Living” The Shawshank Redemption (1994)
This inspiring speech reflects the faith of a person in a successful and happy future, even if it requires a lot of efforts to achieve this goal, while another man surrenders. At this point, each person can choose own path, namely “get busy living” or “get busy dying,” as the main hero says. Therefore, you should always think about the future life with a positive attitude, and imagine how and where you will be happy.
1. “We are Mutants” Stripes (1981)
In the selected scene, the main hero John Winger (Bill Murray) talks to his military colleagues, inspiring them to be good soldiers. From his speech, it is possible to emphasize the significance of identity background, which is forming by generations. His statements can inspire individuals to be proud of their bloodline, even if their ancestors are not recognized as worthy people. Thus, this speech can be considered as an inspirational one in terms of American patriotism.
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