Read your sign’s 2023 horoscope to see what’s in store for you this year, or check out the Cancer personality profile. To read monthly predictions for another zodiac sign, see our full February 2023 horoscope.
Welcome to February 2023, Cancer. Last month, three planets, Mars, Mercury, and Uranus, ended their retrogrades. The end of three backward dances and the everyday stress of catching up after the new year made January a hectic month. However, now that you (and the planets) are more settled, it’s time to enjoy the abundance that comes with any new year. Unfortunately, as you’re likely aware, we live in tough economic times. Therefore, one should turn to sources other than astrology for big money questions — now and always, if we’re being frank. With that caveat in mind, some days are simply more astrologically beneficial for attracting abundance, which includes money but also joy.
One of these days is Sunday, February 5, which brings a full moon in Leo and your 2nd House of Possessions. Full moons mark the end of a cycle and are often when we see the fruits of our labor. There’s a decent chance that around this date, you’ll finally put a professional project to rest, feel a sense of accomplishment, and, ideally, earn your worth. Try to spend this weekend with lovers, friends, or other trusted loved ones to celebrate yourself.
The following weekend, when the chatty planet Mercury enters Aquarius and your 8th House of Sex, Death, and Transformation on Saturday, February 11, you’ll still feel celebratory. However, your focus may be more on sensual pleasure than cash flow. This transit sees you talking about kinks and fantasies with a partner or exploring on your own, whether you enjoy erotica or want to try out a brand-new sex toy. Regardless of your relationship status, this transit sees you getting honest with yourself (and any partners) about turn-ons and various avenues of pleasure to explore.
The sun enters Pisces on Saturday, February 18, kicking off Pisces season. The next few weeks are a psychic and intuitive time. It’s a good idea to keep a dream journal during Pisces season, as messages may appear to you as you sleep. Because the sun in Pisces illuminates your 9th House of Philosophy, you may find yourself ruminating on big questions for the next few weeks. You could review your spiritual practice or suddenly feel the need to get out of town and escape for a bit. Sunday, February 19, brings a fresh new moon in Pisces, and you should circle this date in your calendar. With the sun in Pisces, you dive deep into your subconscious and answer big-picture questions about your relationship to your career, religion, or anything else that involves higher learning.
While Pisces is a wise time for reflection, don’t be too hard on yourself if you don’t get all the answers right away. Sometimes, when you’re unsure what to do, the best thing is to relax and do nothing and wait for the answers to reveal themselves. On the same date as the Pisces new moon, on Sunday, February 19, Venus, which rules money and beauty in addition to love, enters Aries, bookending the month with more welcome abundant news. Remember the limitations of astrology as it pertains to money, but allow yourself to assert your self-worth, as this is an astrologically beneficial time to ask for a raise. Cheers, Cancer, see you next month.
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