Happy New Year, Libra, and welcome to 2022! You’re the sign of justice, as represented by the scales. You’re intelligent and charming, if somewhat indecisive. Whether at a political rally or in your romantic relationship, you opt for harmony whenever possible (even if you can stir up trouble as a massive flirt). But despite having the cutest outfit at the New Year’s party, the first few weeks of 2022 have you feeling a bit out of whack. This is because your ruling planet, Venus, has been retrograde since Sunday, December 19.
Venus rules love, money, and abundance. When she goes retrograde, it’s harder to enjoy those nice things, especially for you, Libra. Romantic communication may cause fights and misunderstandings, paychecks take forever to clear, and it’s ill-advised to make major changes to your appearance. Thankfully, The planet goes direct on Saturday, January 29. An optimistic feeling of harmony falls over your relationships, you might make some money moves, and you can finally try that new hair color.
Saturday, April 16, brings a full moon in your sign, Libra. As a reminder, full moons are the most potent time of the month for manifestations. While new moons mark fresh starts, full moons reveal the culmination of our efforts. If you’ve been working your butt off at work, this is a perfect day to wrap up a project finally. Full moons in your sign also bring hot sex and declarations of love. Because the primal time can bring out everyone’s inner animal, and as a result, drama, it’s best to stay in and lay low. Cook dinner at home with a lover or treat yourself to a new sex toy.
On Thursday, August 25, chatty Mercury enters your sign, where it will stay through Saturday, October 29. Mercury is the messenger of the gods, darling Libra. The planet rules communication, and of course, is responsible for those pesky Mercury retrogrades. But when Mercury is in your sign, communication flows easily. Use these weeks to tackle conversations you’ve been avoiding, such as defining the relationship or asking for a raise. You’re the sign of justice, Libra, but you’re also an air sign heartbreaker who can be a little flaky and flirts nearly as much as a Gemini. Of course your primary relationship feels weird if you have two digital sidepieces! Important romantic conversations happen naturally during this time, but you have to do your part, too. To get the clarity you crave in your personal life, cut off any extra flings, darling. .
The sun enters your sign on Thursday, September 22. Happy birthday, beautiful! Make sure to treat yourself to some new makeup, and pair that glitter eyeshadow with your favorite party dress. It’s your season and your responsibility to celebrate. Sunday, September 25, brings a new moon in your sign, Libra. As mentioned earlier, new moons mark fresh starts. As a result, it’s the perfect weekend to throw a birthday dinner and have a dance party (while remembering pandemic safety protocols.) Birthdays are an excellent time to assess your life and see what improvements will make you even happier. Use this new moon and birthday weekend to identify desires and write down a list of intentions.
Venus comes home to your sign on Thursday, September 29, where it will stay until Sunday, October 23. Pull out that list of intentions, Libra, because the stars want to sprinkle your life with abundance. Because you may receive financial blessings during this month, it’s a great time to consider working with a financial advisor, or even make a proper budget. Money could be coming your way, but you don’t want to burn through it. As your birthday reminds you, you’re growing up, and it’s time to act like an adult.
Messenger Mercury enters Libra on Monday, October 10, staying in your sign through Saturday, October 29. This helps you find the right words in difficult conversations. In particular, because lover planet Venus is also in your sign during most of this time, your romantic relationships mature during this time. Talk about moving in together, opening up your relationship, or even marriage during this time. Consider working with a therapist to make sure that you nail these talks. As the sign of partnerships, you deserve to have everything you want, Libra.
Ceres enters your sign on Saturday, December 18. It will stay in Libra through the end of the year. Ceres is an astrologically-important asteroid that rules nurturing, food, and even grief. While Ceres is in your sign, you’re asked to get in touch with all of those emotions that you’ve been tucked away and compartmentalizing. If you’re still getting over a breakup or the loss of a job or a loved one, the end of 2022 sees you finally working through those emotions. Trust the stars, Libra. You’ll feel so much healthier after you allow yourself to process your feelings. Stay safe, and see you next year!
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