Welcome to 2022, heartbreaker Gemini. Your ruling planet is Mercury, the messenger of the gods. Mercury rules communication, which explains why you’re so good at captivating an audience, whether you’re on a first date or in a work meeting. However, you’re also more affected by Mercury’s infamous retrogrades than other signs. The first Mercury retrograde of the year begins on Friday, January 14, and lasts until Thursday, February 3. As a reminder, during Mercury retrograde, you can expect miscommunications, travel delays, and annoying technological difficulties. Don’t stress too much about these; just remember to double-check your emails and texts, allow for extra travel time, and please don’t sext the wrong person.
The asteroid Ceres enters your sign on Tuesday, February 8, Gemini, and stays through Sunday, May 15. Ceres is typically associated with the divine feminine, which we all contain regardless of gender. Ceres rules parenthood, food and nourishment, and family life. Don’t worry: this doesn’t mean that you have to have kids if you don’t want them, but it does bode well for your home life. You may see yourself moving in with a partner, finding a new apartment, or simply becoming more interested in spending time at your lovely home than going out and partying. You can enjoy some downtime, Gemini. No one could ever forget about you!
Mercury comes home to your sign, Gemini, on Friday, April 29. The planet is happy in this placement, and you’ll notice that you have an even easier time getting your way. But frankly, Gemini, it’s probably a good idea to double-check your texts all of the time because your ruling planet is powerful but messy, just like you. On Tuesday, May 10, Mercury goes retrograde again and enters Taurus on Sunday, May 22, before finally going direct on Friday, June 3. Travel and communication should flow more effortlessly, and it’s safe to sign important documents. So go ahead and e-mail birthday party invitations because Gemini season begins on Friday, May 20. You’re always extra, but this time of year gives you permission to go the extra mile.
There’s a new moon in your sign on Monday, May 30. New moons tend to mark new beginnings and are ideal for setting intentions. Use this transit to get your professional goals in order. Identify what you want, and then map out a plan to get it. You’re dedicated and charismatic enough to do whatever job you desire. Mercury re-enters your sign on Monday, June 13, where it will stay until Tuesday, July 5. Remember, Gemini: life flows easier when your ruling planet is at home in your sign. So during these blessed few weeks, go ahead and start taking action to put those professional goals into place.
Every sign is associated with a tarot card, Gemini, and yours is the Lovers. You often get accused of playing the field, but you’re just looking for your other twin (and having some fun, in the meantime, of course). Venus enters your sign on Thursday, June 22, where it stays through Sunday, July 17. Venus rules abundance, beauty, and of course, love. Not only may you get some exciting news about money during this time, but magic stardust will rain down on your love life. Expect romantic dates, hot sex, and sweet nothings.
If the earlier part of 2022 is about relaxing at home and setting intentions, the final few months are about action and results. Warrior Mars enters your sign on Saturday, August 20, and will stay there through the end of the year. When Mars is in your sign, you feel more confident asking for what you want in dating and will likely be more interested in sex. This transit also helps you act more assertive at work, which will help you manifest the career intentions you set during the new moon earlier this year. You’re a powerhouse on any day, Gemini, but beware of crossing from decisive to aggressive.
Mercury goes retrograde yet again on Friday, September 9, ending Sunday, October 2. So here’s another goal for 2022, Gemini: Make an action plan for Mercury retrogrades. They happen several times a year and hit you hard. Geminis tend to move at the speed of light and text quickly anyways, so make it a regular habit to double-check important emails and texts for typos.
Wednesday, December 7, brings a full moon in your sign, Gemini. Be on the lookout for positive professional news, or exciting creative ideas, because this lunation culminates the intentions you set during the new moon in Gemini. And, as always, full moons bring out your primal side. So this is an ideal night to try out a new kink or sex toy.
Finally, the year ends with one more Mercury retrograde starting on Thursday, December 29. But don’t even sweat, Gemini. Remember, you know how to kick Mercury retrograde’s ass, now. Have a happy New Year, and see you in 2023.
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