Photo by Giorgio Trovato on Unsplash

When Kim Kardashian posted a photo of her finely sculpted face on Instagram (courtesy of makeup artist Scott Barnes) way back in the early 2010s, the Internet went scrambling to learn how to contour their face like the reality star (needless to say, the trend caught on). After she shared some videos on February 1 via her Instagram stories of her surprisingly short, cream-colored nails, will everyone else be flocking to their nail techs for the same look?

Despite the fact that the reality star has consistently worn long nails since she entered the limelight, it looks like she’s recently taken inspiration from Spring/Summer 2022 New York Fashion Week, where many models walked the runways with short nails painted in neutral colors. The models at Ulla Johnson, Jason Wu, and Tory Burch wore shades of beige from Deborah Lippmann and Tenoverten, respectively, that look similar to the nail polish color that the reality star was seen wearing as she was poking at some slime.

In fact, neutral nails are exactly what 2022 ordered, but neutral colors with warm undertones are also expected to be on the horizon, Rebecca Isa, creative director of Zoya, previously told Allure. “A couple of seasons ago, [Zoya’s nudes] were very gray. For 2022, it still has that neutral effect but pinker,” she explained.

New York Fashion Week appears to be responsible for taking the lead in cementing short, neutral manicures as an up-and-coming nail art trend. That being said, Kardashian’s nails are right on point with the runway trends. Then again, when is the reality star not on trend?


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