Welcome to 2022, darling Cancer. Your ruling planet is the intuitive, silvery moon, which rules emotions and intuition. As a result, you’re empathetic, creative, and emotional. But never — not even for one second — conflate emotional depth with weakness. It’s the source of your strength. There is a full moon in your sign, Cancer, on Monday, January 17. Full moons are a time of culmination. The new year is just getting started, but this lunation sees some of your long-term goals come to fruition. So circle this date in your calendar, and stay on the lookout for an exciting work-related email or a welcome romantic gesture from a crush or partner.
The astrologically significant asteroid Ceres enters your sign on Sunday, May 15, where it will stay until Saturday, July 23. Ceres rules nourishment and food, family relationships and is associated with the divine feminine. Remember, Cancer, we all contain masculine and feminine qualities, regardless of gender. You’re already the one in your social circle who throws the best dinner parties. So when Ceres is in your sign, you find yourself feeling extra motivated to bring people together, especially over food. Since the pandemic began, caring relationships have been more important than ever. Lean into your nurturing side — while practicing safety precautions, of course.
Monday, May 16, brings a total lunar eclipse in intense Scorpio. Because you’re ruled by the moon, and this eclipse takes place in a fellow water sign, you may feel the effects more than others. Eclipses are infamous for bringing sudden endings and beginnings. As scary as that sounds, it doesn’t have to be a bad thing. Eclipses are cosmic wildcards, but they help keep us on track. Understand that any shake-ups are simply pointing you in the right direction during this time. Scorpio vibes tend to bring out everyone’s jealous side, so lay low during this eclipse. Stay in, off social media, take a decadent bubble bath and enjoy a delicious meal.
Cancer season begins on Tuesday, June 21. Happy solar return, beautiful crab! You love the summer months. If you can, try to spend some time at the beach. The healing salt water will help you feel grounded and reconnect with yourself. And after some much-deserved rest and relaxation, take time to reflect on what you want for your birthday. There’s a new moon in your sign on Tuesday, June 28. While full moons bring culminations, new moons are a time for intention-setting and new beginnings. This same date brings the start of Neptune retrograde, which lasts through Saturday, December 3. When Neptune goes retrograde, the illusions in our lives fall to the wayside. So, if you’ve been romantically chasing after someone toxic or taken, put down the crab claws. Instead, write down a list of qualities you truly desire in a partner and refuse to settle for anything less.
Mercury enters your sign on Tuesday, July 5 where it will stay until Tuesday, July 19. Mercury is the messenger of the gods, and rules communication. When Mercury is in your sign, Cancer, you are better able to articulate your needs and relay them to others. This makes July the perfect month to apply for new jobs, have “scary” define-the-relationship talks, or ask for a raise.
The first half of 2022 asked you to step up as a nurturer for the people you love. But the second half of the year, darling Cancer, is all about getting what you want. Venus enters your sign, Cancer, on Sunday, July 17, where it will stay until Thursday, August 11. You’re already having good luck both professionally and personally thanks to the messenger Mercury, and now Venus, the planet of love, beauty, and abundance, is on your side. So while the sensual planet is in your sign, be on the lookout for bountiful financial news and joy in your love life. It’s also a great time to play with your appearance, so try out a new hair color or experiment with makeup.
Wednesday, November 8, brings another full moon and lunar eclipse, this time in the sign of sensual Taurus. Because eclipses can be messy, this isn’t an ideal night to go on a first date or enter any social setting that might make you feel uncomfortable. Instead, tap into your inner caretaker, Cancer. Just like you, Taurus loves to entertain at home, with decadent snack trays and plenty of wine. Invite your trusted friends over to chill out and avoid any eclipse drama. Stay safe, and see you next year!
Read the original article here
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