“Who said stuffed animals were just for the kids?” Asks the Build-A-Bear website. “Why should they get to have all the fun?”
Welcome to Build-A-Bear After Dark, a new series of teddy bears designed specifically for adults. A concept I am currently struggling to resolve with my lizard brain. Are these bears supposed to be… horny?
See above: A chad teddy bear with a lion’s mane and a silk robe, lying on a shag carpet with a single rose and two glasses of wine. It’s fairly clear what this teddy bear’s intentions are.
The Build-A-Bear After Dark concept was announced on its Facebook page earlier this week. It’s clearly a Valentine’s Day related play. “Wink, wink,” read the post, our Giftshop is full of gifts for adults too! Shop Build-A-Bear After Dark for unique gift ideas that are sure to get you hugged.”
Thankfully (?) the actual bears themselves aren’t too explicit, but I’m not sure whether it would have been better for the Build-A-Bear team to go all in on the concept. Most of the gifts are quite PG and — dare I say — “cheugy?” The audience is clearly the type of person who posts wine-drinking memes on Facebook. I mean that in the best possible sense.
The reaction on Build-A-Bear’s Facebook page has been… mixed. Some aren’t sure the Build-A-Bear brand can withstand the pressure that a horny lion-bear can exert, others seem to love it.
You can check out everything Build-A-Bear After Dark has to offer here.
This article was originally published on CNET
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