Taurus Horoscope 2022
Photo by RODNAE Productions from Pexels

Welcome to the new year, darling Taurus. While fresh starts excite you and 2022 brings many gifts, you may feel as if you’re walking through molasses for the first few weeks of the year. This is because your ruling planet, Venus, is retrograde. Venus rules love, money, and beauty, which is why you have such a sensual taste, dear Taurus. But when the planet is retrograde, you may feel stagnancy in your love life and any conversation surrounding money. And, don’t forget, it’s an ill-advised time to make significant changes to your appearance. Thankfully, Venus goes direct on Saturday, January 29, returning your life to a luxurious baseline.

2022 is a transformative year for you. You’re craving intimacy more than ever and desire a solid foundation in your romantic relationships. You’re a dedicated earth sign and need partnerships that provide comfort, not conflict. So when messenger Mercury enters your sign on Sunday, April 10, where it will stay until Friday, April 29, communication flows like water, especially in your love life. This is an ideal time to have conversations about moving in together, marriage, or any other define-the-relationship topics, which can seem intimidating at times.

Pick out a cake and plan a birthday party because Taurus season begins on Tuesday, April 19. Make sure to spend your season surrounded by earthly pleasures, such as good food, wine, and hot sex. However, do your best to stay out of any drama because there’s a new moon and partial solar eclipse in your sign on Saturday, April 30. The traditional astrological advice surrounding eclipses is to lay low to avoid the fallout from the infamous sudden endings they can bring. But eclipses (solar eclipses, in particular) can also welcome new beginnings. Don’t be surprised if your social circle shifts during this time. You may fall out of touch with fickle friends only to meet wondrous new people. Welcome the change, Taurus. It’s for the best.

Venus comes home and enters your sign, Taurus, on Saturday, May 28, where it will stay through Wednesday, June 22. This transit lowers stress levels and helps life flow easier. Use these weeks to get some serious work done. You’ll feel inspired, productive, and the forecast for drama is low. But if you think people aren’t treating you like the royalty that you are, fear not. When fighter planet Mars enters your sign on Tuesday, July 5, where it will stay through Saturday, August 20, you transform into a warrior. Suddenly, asking a love interest for a higher level of commitment or an employer for better wages doesn’t feel scary. Sometimes, you can feel a bit sluggish, Taurus, and accept life as it is as a result. This is not the case when Mars is in your sign. So ask for romantic exclusivity or a raise. You’ll be impressed to find out how people respond to a Taurus that is armed and ready for battle. And yes, that means that you’ll likely get what you want.

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On Sunday, July 31, the independent planet Uranus conjuncts the North Node in your sign, Taurus. The North Node represents spiritual lessons that you must learn in this lifetime. Continuing themes from above, this transit sees your social life growing and evolving. The good news is that you’re making cool new friends, becoming more successful, and attracting romantic partners whose desires match yours. The bad news is that for this to happen, you may have to end some existing partnerships in 2022. So if you have a “bestie” who is constantly putting you down or a cheating spouse, don’t expect them to be in your life for much longer.

2022 is a transformative year, Taurus. Tuesday, November 8, brings a full moon and total lunar eclipse in your sign. This transit bookends the solar eclipse in Taurus earlier this year. The changes in your social life are manifesting abundant fruit. Any emotional pain stemming from breakups finally falls to the wayside as you embrace new relationships with confidence. Spend this night with your new lover, or alone with your favorite sex toy, and turn off the TV and cell phones. Eclipses can still be dramatic, even when they bring joy, so they’re a great excuse to go analog, even for a night. New beginnings are all around you, and remember, Taurus, the best is yet to come. Hold tight to the people who fill your life with stability and confidence. You’re allowed to cry over losses, but not for long. When 2022 comes to a close, your social circle is more colorful and filled with joy than you could have imagined.

Read the original article here

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