Inside Out
Photo by Film Threat Staff

The main objective of education is to favor the integral development of the individual, contemplating all his dimensions, among which is the emotional one. Human beings have both a rational mind, related to the ability to emit thoughts logically and analytically, a process of which we are fully aware, and an emotional sense in charge of feelings and impulses.

If until the end of the 20th-century education has focused almost exclusively on developing the rational mind through cognitive instruction: acquisition of knowledge in language, mathematics, natural and social sciences, languages from the appearance of the term Emotional Intelligence, education begins to consider feelings and emotions as fundamental factors for the integral development of the person.

Emotional intelligence is an essential element in learning. Many students are burdened with studies, work, and other difficulties. At this point, they are emotionally broken and ask to write my paper for me. These films will improve emotional intelligence and build emotional resilience. It, in turn, will allow students to make time for their studies.

Cinema can generate a strong emotional impact on people. When we see how other people live and express their emotions, we can analyze and reflect on them without feeling judged. Movies are full of opportunities to learn to recognize the feelings of their different characters, to empathize, to see how the emotions of others influence our own. For this reason, cinema is a great tool to educate in emotions.

We can use some of the films to work formally on emotional education and watch as a family and reflect on them or use them in specific cases. For example, the death of a family member, illness, and, ultimately, to enrich us emotionally and increase the ability to empathize are:

1. Inside Out

We begin with a movie that cannot be missed when talking about emotional education. In this Disney movie, emotions are, literally, the protagonists. A film with a profound meaning for both children and adults that invites us to learn about basic emotions such as “joy,” “sadness,” “anger,” “fear,” and “disgust.” It also shows us how the process is every time a feeling invades us: how they arise, their consequences, and ways to manage them.

Did you know that although research talks about six basic emotions, out of those six, “surprise” was eliminated because it did not fit well in the film? And that each emotion had hundreds of versions in the design phase until the final one based on a basic geometric shape or a drawing was achieved?

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2. Wonder

This film addresses bullying, self-esteem, self-concept, respect, and tolerance towards difference, acceptance.

It narrates the life of Auggie Pullman, a 10-year-old boy born with a facial malformation, Treacher Collins Syndrome, which has forced him to live from hospital to hospital, being operated on up to 27 times. His life has been spent within the walls of his home, with his family and his dog Daisy. His mother has been in charge of educating him until now, but the time has come for him to meet the world and face his biggest challenge. He should go to school for the first time and try to be accepted by teachers and classmates, despite being different from the rest.

3. Coco

Coco is a Disney and Pixar movie inspired by the Mexican celebration of the Day of the Dead. Its main character is Miguel Rivera, a 12-year-old boy whose passion is music, although it has been restricted in his home for generations. But such is his attraction to it that it will lead him to enter the “World of the Dead.” There Miguel learns of his true family legacy.

This film is a help to manage grief, one of the most challenging processes in both children and adults.

4. Birdman

Birdman or the unexpected virtue of ignorance. Starring Michael Keaton, and awarded at the 2014 Oscars. ‘Birdman’ tells the story of a budding actor who was once popular for playing a famous superhero who will have to face his ego and family problems to raise a Broadway play that will be his last hope in show business. Throughout this process, he must face his emotions and know how to express them. It also speaks of personal growth and self-realization.

5. In Pursuit of Happyness

Will Smith‘s first film starring Will Smith and his son. It is based on the true story of Chris Gardner, who invests all his savings in developing portable bone density scanners to sell to doctors. After failing and going bankrupt, his wife leaves him, leaving their son in his care. They both have to face the difficult situation of living on the street and starting from scratch.

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This film allows us to reflect on happiness, dreams, sacrifice, frustration, and overcoming difficulties, teaching us the meaning of courage and the ability to overcome obstacles despite adversity.

6. Juno

Juno MacGuff (Ellen Page) is a 15-year-old pregnant teenager who decides to give the baby up for adoption, but first, she must find the parents. The protagonist recognizes her emotions and what she wants, and the emotional needs of the people around her throughout the film.

7. Jack and the Cuckoo-Clock Heart

A French animated film based on the book of the same name by writer, singer, and film director Mathias Malzieu. It tells Jack’s story, a boy born in Edinburgh on a day so cold that his heart freezes, and to revive him, he is implanted with a cuckoo clock. But he has to follow some rules: not to touch the clock’s hands, master the feeling of anger, and never fall in love if he wants the cuckoo clock does not to stop. Everything changes for Jack after he meets a girl who will ‘steal’ his heart.

Jack and the Cuckoo-Clock Heart is a fable about overcoming obstacles, being different, and recognizing and managing our emotions.

8. Home: Home Sweet Home

After making a mistake that endangers his race, Oh, one of the alien Boy, who has invaded Earth, is forced to flee. In his escape, he meets Tip, a girl looking for her mother and with whom he will form a peculiar couple. Throughout the film, Oh’s characterization work is fascinating. She changes color depending on her emotions, which the film works directly, touching on other elements such as loss, hope, positivism, or coexistence.

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